DIY Kit: Chocolate Maple Porter Beer Making

Product image 1DIY Kit: Chocolate Maple Porter Beer Making
Product image 2DIY Kit: Chocolate Maple Porter Beer Making

DIY Kit: Chocolate Maple Porter Beer Making

Regular price $48.00

Thick, rich, creamy, and just a little sweet, our Chocolate Maple Porter gets its dark chocolate flavor from a handful of Chocolate Malt. The addition of maple syrup at the end of the boil makes for a smooth and creamy flavor.

DIY Kit by Brooklyn Brew Shop.

Included in the Chocolate Maple Porter Beer Making Kit

  • Chocolate Maple Porter 1 Gallon, All-Grain Mix
  • Fuggel Hops 
  • Beer Making Yeast
  • Glass Fermentation Jug
  • Thermometer
  • Racking Cane 
  • Tubing 
  • Tubing Clamp
  • Screw-cap Stopper
  • Airlock 
  • No-Rinse Sanitizer 

All the equipment in our Beer Making Kits is reusable. 

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